Thursday, February 23, 2012

Driven to Distraction

Today I have given my time over to silence.  The wind, still relentless btw, is dancing around my wind chimes and making beautiful music for me.  I sit here and look around at all the "must take care of" tasks and have thoughtfully wondered why I just don't take care of them.  Most of it is REALLY important things!  I sit paralyzed and I do not know why. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  I am not sure  which is more anxiety ridden for me, my action or the reaction. And truthfully, if I don't take action, the reaction will still take place.  To quote Getty Lee "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".

I find myself saying, "I am just going to give it to God and have faith that he has a plan." But I think I am kidding myself.  If I truly believed that, wouldn't I  take care of my tasks and trust the reaction will be guided by God's plan? Am I in fact, giving it to God unfinished  and then just snatching it back in fear that He doesn't have a plan for me?  Am I rendering Him helpless because of my lack of faith?  He must be very frustrated with me.  I could very well control (there is that word again) my own destiny right into the ground while God sadly shakes his head waiting for me to just let him send me a helicopter.


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