Sunday, March 18, 2012

Where is my blessing?

I lived here for almost a year and everyday I find a man staying the appropriate amount away from our now smoke free building.  We first just said hello, then a little small talk and then one day we spend a few minutes in the sunshine together.  We talked a bit about kids and cars.   I made the off-hand comment that I haven't cleaned my car in years..... YEARS... seriously.    Late that night he came to my door and asked me if I knew my trunk was open (oh yeah and it was raining).   I thanked him for noticing it and started to put my shoes on but he stopped me and said he would be glad to go do it.   He asked for my keys to make sure my battery wasn't drained.   I didn't think at the time but then this creeping horror came over me because my awful truth was about to be known outside the secret circle of close friends.  My car is a freaking horror!  Once it goes into my car it rarely sees the light of day  (except though the sun roof) .  I paced back and forth until he returned and I said quite embarrssedly,  "like my car?"   And he said without a blink of an eye, "No"  "You and your beautiful children should be sitting in a comfortable and clean car.  I nodded my head in embarrassment and he said,  "I would love the chance to clean it for you" I think I just stood there ready to say no , but before I said anything he said,  "The hardest part of charity is being on the receiving end because we  never believe we deserve it. You deserve it.  Please give me the blessing of giving this to you".   My pastor's voice began to slip in my ears, that it was the moment  I could bless him by saying yes.  I said "Yes" with my eyes first cast to the ground but I raised the long enough to look him sqaurely in the eye and say a heart felt "thank you".  He absolutely beemed with  joy.  He came the next day at 3pm and I handed over my keys.  

At 6pm he came back and handed me several cans of this and that.  He told me how low all my fluids were and the consequences of such.  I thanked him but he say "Oh I am not finished yet"  I looked at him curiouly and said,  "but you spent 3 hours down there.  He said that he had washed all the windows inside and out and checked my fluids but there is more to be done so I will be back again.  I stood speechless.

He then called Hannah to the door.  He said,  "you know when you see your mother smile that smile where her whole face lights up?  She nodded.   "Are you committed to make that happen for 7 days?"   She said,  "of course!  He brought out a beautiful metal "halo" of sorts and said,  "Okay then this is what I want you to do for 7 days.  Every day when your mother's alarm goes off,  go to her with this on your head and wake her up.  Mom you will say,  "where is my blessing"  and Hannah you will say,  "Here I am".  Promise me to do it for one week and you will see that smile on your mother every time."   She laughed and said okay.   He left then to have dinner with his wife.

Then comes morning.  Hannah put the halo on the lamp next to the bed.  She missed my alarm but I couldn't wake her up after months of her imposed sleep deprivation.  So I let her sleep another half an hour.  I went back in and woke her up.  I said with a grin,  "where is my blessing?"   she reached, and stretched to try to get her halo but couldn't reach it without leaving her warm bed.  We both started laughing and I laid my head next to hers and said,  "who knew my blessing would be hanging on a lamp shade"   we laughed and giggled.  I looked at her and said,  "where IS my blessing?"  and she said,  "here I am"  and I stroked her hair for a moment and said,  "yes there you are".  Then I asked my blessing if she wanted to sleep a little longer but she was already there.

I ask you today where are your blessings?  Halo or not,  where is your blessing?

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